#AskJessiKneeland – Why do we choose to date people who are wrong for us?
Why would you still choose to love and be with someone, if they don’t treat you right or give you what you need? As strange as that...
#AskJessiKneeland – Why do we choose to date people who are wrong for us?
#TransparentTuesday – OUCH
#AskJessiKneeland – I feel sexless, frumpy and invisible, HELP!
#Transparent Tuesday – How seeing the best in people will change your life
#AskJessiKneeland – How do I discover who I am?
#TransparentTuesday – What if Shame is Just Arrogance in Disguise?
How to Go Through a Breakup (As an Empowered Woman)
#TransparentTuesday – Ask Me Anything!!
The Surprising Reason I’m Always Mostly Naked
#Transparent Tuesday-Be terrified and do it anyway