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Body image & PHOTOS

Updated: Apr 5, 2023

I have a video for you today, exploring what’s going on when photos trigger a body image breakdown!

Hey y’all,

Welcome to the second installment of #TransparentTuesday video content!

Today’s video topic is all about PHOTOS — specifically, why the hell seeing a photo of yourself sometimes has the power to freak you out and send you into a total body-anxiety/insecurity meltdown.

Have you ever seen a photo of yourself and gone into a shame spiral? Immediately become obsessed with food, exercise, or your weight? Fallen into a rabbit hole looking for “fixes” in the form of anything from acne treatment to botox to cellulite cream to plastic surgery?

This is super common. In today’s video, I explain why!

I also break down some of the specific issues coming up when I tackle this topic with my clients, and give context for which direction your body-neutrality work might need to go in order to keep this from happening.

Watch the video here→

Enjoy, and please feel free to subscribe to my YouTube channel, and leave a comment on the video or let me know what you think. 🙂

Big hugs, <3 Jessi

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